Heir Apparent -- Draft #2

I put the finishing touches on the second draft of novel #4, Heir Apparent, Wednesday.  Today I'm doing a mini-celebration by catching up on blog posts, and (gasp) assembling three new toyboxes for the little kids.

Heir Apparent had a few issues when I read through the first draft -- a huge and somewhat confusing cast of characters spanning three different corporations (who are all embroiled in a series of murders), portraits of four business leaders that were a little mixed up, and a protagonist who was still lacking an inner conflict.  Those issues are mostly solved now (there are still a lot of characters, but hopefully, they are less confusing to the reader).

I think the plot line, one that occurred to me years ago while I was still working, is fantastic.  I've ordered a proof from Createspace, and will be having a close friend read through it and see if it measures up.  With three novels under my belt, I'm feeling pretty confident it will.  At least with some additional editing.

I find getting to significant milestones in a creative project to be extremely satisfying.  Even the daily "I'm gonna edit three chapters today" work usually feels rewarding.  I wonder if other authors have a similar experiences...