I continue working on my editor's revisions to SYNERGY, having finished about 75% of the detailed edits, but still having a few major changes I need to sort through once that is finished. The entire process is plodding slowly along because spring is here.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I've got a trip to Grand Island for the State Junior Wrestling Tournament (Thomas and Lisle are both wrestling) and we just returned from Indianapolis, a trip we delayed at Christmastime. And there's an out of town wedding somewhere in there, too.
Wrestling ends this week, but next week Soccer starts, and will soon be followed by T-Ball/Baseball and Softball for the twins. All of those practices and the associated driving take up most evenings, admittedly a time when I don't normally get in much writing anyway. In a few weeks we have First Communion for Thomas and Lisle's Baptism -- and will have out of town visitors for those events.
Of course, there are the normal spring tasks -- boats to clean, repair and launch, blown sand to shovel, landscaping to repair/improve, a trampoline to reassemble, and lots of doggie dodo to remove.
Things are also busy at work with the addition of an acquisition in Michigan and the relaunch of our new clothing brand.
As has happened in previous years, writing tends to take a back seat to other priorities at this time of year. In 2015 I'm anticipating the effect will be even worse than before.
With luck, maybe I'll have the final draft of Synergy completed before school is out!