
About a year ago I ran some pricing experiments on my novels.

My conclusion at that time was that deeply discounting my ebooks had little impact on volume.

At the end of the experiments, I placed the ebook prices of all my novels at $9.90 (the regular paperback prices are dictated by production costs more than anything else, and are already pretty close to the minimum if I want to make any money on them.)

I'm starting to doubt the results of that pricing decision.  Volume has dropped off to a trickle on many of the ebooks.  Quite frankly, I'll probably never make big money on any of the first four novels because of the high cost of editing I paid on those books -- a factor that was driving me to keep the prices high.

It sounds like it is time for another round of pricing experiments.

Starting today, I'm going to drop the price of Leverage to $1.99 for the next six months and measure the impact on it's volume.  Half-way through the experiment I'll drop the price of Pursuing Other Opportunities to $3.99 to see if it helps to have the second book in the series available at a discounted price.

Hopefully, there will be some lessons to be learned in all of this!